Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Yep...It's Cold!!

I was up early on Sunday ready to get out and get my ride in and looked out the window, Yep...still have snow on the ground. Well (I thought to myself), just how cold can it be (I had to ask that question!) and then I looked at the thermometer. Holy Crap!! That's cold!! I guess I won't be riding outside today. I know that there are some out there that will call me some unsightly names for "wimping out", but I have to draw the line somewhere. So, I decided I would do my thing inside. I don't mind the treadmill or the trainer but there is only so much you can take. I can take the treadmill and/or trainer for a couple of hours each but anything longer than that and I had have a good game or movie on the TV. I had images if Jim Carey in "Dumb and Dumber" riding his mini-bike to Aspen, snot frozen to his face, hands frozen to the handlebars, "A little nippy on the pass!".

It was pretty much too cold to do anything outside, even ski. So, my 2 year old daughter ended up taking turns throw cups of hot water into the air. If it's cold enough, nothing comes down. Needlessness, it was cold enough, she got a kick out of it anyway.

Today was a balmy 8 outside. Hummm... maybe, just maybe I'll get to ride outside sometime soon???

1 comment:

  1. cool game with the hot water - didn't know that....I would have bagged on the bike ride too - under 55 degrees, and I'm running, not riding, period. But, that's Florida for you....
