Take my advice…. Never (and I do mean NEVER) tell the nurse that you are not sick when she ask you, right before she gives you a flu shot. I have been down for 5 days now because, well I have no clue really. (because I was a bone-head) I needed a flu shot because we have little one at home and I don't want to be sick. I was a bit under the weather, but only had a little sniffle or two. We sent to the Flu Shot Clinic and I checked "no, I wasn't currently sick" and I also told the nurse I wasn't sick. (what a mistake). I go the shot and headed home. Several hours later I started feeling a little worse and worse. By the next day I was down for the count. I was in bed all weekend with absolutely no energy at all. Anyway, I am slowly getting better. I actually feel a lot better now, I just sound like I am sick to everyone else. Yesterday I finally got back into the pool and knocked out 3000 yards before work. I felt OK getting out of the pool, but an hour or so later it all caught up to me. Last night I was totally exhausted. This morning back into the weight room I went, my work out was good and at this point I don't feel as tired. So, heed my advice and NEVER lie on you flu shot questionnaire, it will catch up to you at some point. Karma's a bitch.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I am not one to whine or acts like a "baby" and I absolutely HATE being sick. I am sure that nobody enjoys being sick, but on the few occasions I have been sick, I am miserable. On Sunday morning I woke up not feeling good, but hey I'm a trooper, I'll get through this. By Sunday night I was in some pretty bad shape. My wife was after me to take some medicine. That's another thing I don't like, medicine. It reminds me of hospitals and doctors, both of which I would prefer to stay away from. Nope, no meds, I don't need them. By late evening, I was in REALLY bad shape. I didn't sleep more than a couple of hours total that whole night. By the morning, my wife was forcing medicine down my throat. As much as I didn't want to, I had to admit defeat and take the meds. In bed half the day on Monday and still draggin' ass on Tuesday, I am finally starting to feel a little better. I haven't worked out since last Friday. I am sure that my morning workout will hurt twice as bad. Anyway, off to buy more tissues.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I am in!!!
I registered for the BP MS150, a 2 day bike ride from Houston to Austin. The ride is the largest of its kind in the country. 13000 riders supported by 3000 volunteers, will ride 182 miles from Houston to Austin to raise money from the Nation MS Society. I have pleged to raise $400 myself. I don't think I will have any problems reaching that goal, in fact, I think I will suprass it by alarge margin.
I am riding with two of m best friends from colllege, both of which live in Houston area. There is only one catch for me rinding the MS150. I live in western Wyoming where the average temp from January to April is probably around 10-20 degrees, so 100% of my training will be inside on the trainer. I was kidding with my buddies the other day becasue they don't even own trainers.
I am very excited to be able to ride in this years MS150. The ride filled to its capacity, 13000 registered riders, in about 6 hours. I was shocked yet excited, the tought of a two day training ride with no only my best friends, but 13000 other people. If it done "Texas Style" this is going to be a great time.