Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Karma is a Funny Thing

Take my advice…. Never (and I do mean NEVER) tell the nurse that you are not sick when she ask you, right before she gives you a flu shot. I have been down for 5 days now because, well I have no clue really. (because I was a bone-head) I needed a flu shot because we have little one at home and I don't want to be sick. I was a bit under the weather, but only had a little sniffle or two. We sent to the Flu Shot Clinic and I checked "no, I wasn't currently sick" and I also told the nurse I wasn't sick. (what a mistake). I go the shot and headed home. Several hours later I started feeling a little worse and worse. By the next day I was down for the count. I was in bed all weekend with absolutely no energy at all. Anyway, I am slowly getting better. I actually feel a lot better now, I just sound like I am sick to everyone else. Yesterday I finally got back into the pool and knocked out 3000 yards before work. I felt OK getting out of the pool, but an hour or so later it all caught up to me. Last night I was totally exhausted. This morning back into the weight room I went, my work out was good and at this point I don't feel as tired. So, heed my advice and NEVER lie on you flu shot questionnaire, it will catch up to you at some point. Karma's a bitch.

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